Thursday, November 04, 2004

America sucks

Heres a short list of why america sucks

1.) They elected George Bush
2.) They re-elected George Bush
3.) They attack countries for no reason, kill tens of thousands of people, and say they are 'liberated'.
4.) They are mostly obese.
5.) They torture prisoners.
6.) They think they are being patriotic by voting for bush, when really, they are just being morons with no thought to the rest of the world. Bastards.
7.) They eat canadians.
8.) They elected Arnold Schwartzenegger as a governor OF CALIFORNIA.
9.) They cant catch an old man with a walking stick, yet they can overthrow saddam hussein.
10.) They are just mostly morons, simply look at such people as Julia Roberts, Kid Rock, 'Dick' Cheney, Oprah, and much more.
11.) One of their states is called Wyoming. What kind of word is that, seriously. Why not call it Peopleland. At least that makes sense.
12.) Their government is more corrupt than mexico's.
13.) George Bush sucks peanus.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally Agree ^_^ Anarchy bitches! We are expected to follow our leaders -until our leaders screw up- THEN IT'S ANARCHY ALL THE WAY. I agree expect you forgot one thing :The president thinks that by passing a law banning Gay people from marrying he can stop Gay people from being Gay: Thats another reason why America sucks, I'm a fan of your work, drop me a line, Thats my email. Go you!

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

john kerry's clone is bakc. what i forgot to say was reasons 1 &2 need to be changed to read:"george w. bush elected himself, and re-elected himself. america just went along with it.

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, not everyone elected for Bush, I for one hate the bastard, and so do many americans. I hate the privacy issues that are happening because of our corrupt govt., of course that happens everywhere. People in power want to stay there and always want more.

Second, lumping all of amearica into broad and moronic catigories is childish. Not all americans are fat, though that is an epidemic, but so are millions of other people in other contries, and americans are not tourtures or murderers...of course some are. It was Bush and his corruput group that killed millions of innocent people, as well as all of our soldiers who were lied to about why they were going to fact many soldiers didn't agree with it.

Even though america isn't the best place, it sure as hell isn't the worst, like in third world countries where they're poor as dirt and the government controls very little thing, at least in america you have some kind of freedom, and I use that term loosely.... It's just too bad that people who actually care about others, and aren't greedy, controlling whores, aren't at the helm of the government, then I think the U.S. would be a better place. Oh by the way to the commentor who mentioned why america sucks is because "we" don't allow gay people to marry...that's not all of america moron, and like the original post, it's retarded to lump everyone under one catigory. I, for one, don't care if gay people get married, but it was the B.S. churches and a lot of america's misguided morals that influenced that law. They all talk about the bible saying marriage is about a man and a women, but "F" the bible...marrige is about love, so if two people love each otehr, whether man and man or whatever, they should be able to get married. I am an american...though I am not always proud of what my country has done, or is doing. But many times it's the scum government who's responsible, and not america as a whole. I for one hope our government can change and get good people in power, but that probably will never happen, but we can always hope. So screw you morons and anyone who tries to argue my logic is just an idiot as it cannot be.

P.S. I like sounds like a nice place from what I've seen on TV and read.

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Mr. Anonymous again... I just wanted to add that your post was utterly stupid, as your reasons seemed to be written by a three year old, especially numbers, 7,8,9,10,11,12, though I don't know a whole not about Mexican govt. it sure seems to me that many other countries' governments are more corrupt then ours, when cops and go around killing innocent people and there are not checks or balances for the power. Though I do agree with number 13 in spades. One side note, seems like the idiot who wrote that list ran out of decent excuses, because all the dumb ones are in order from 7 on. Someon'es head must of been WAY up their ass to think of those excuses. Grow up kid.

1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Bush elected himself most of us hate him.
2. Be kind to us who only live here till we can leave
3. Canada's fucken awesome
4. Don't send someone over here to blow us off the face of the earth untill I can move away.

7:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Bush elected himself most of us hate him
2. Be kind to us who only live here till we can leave
3. Canada fucken rox
4. Dont send someone to blow us up till I can leave

7:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

john kerry's clone is back to say america does far worse than suck. it is by far the least compassionate of all countryes. i am homeless because of the current administration, bushjr. admin. is the only one to see me homeless. this dude put on his website, "let's lose the south". i cannnot help agreeing with that. i love that idea so much. without the southern states america would suck 100 times less, but it would still suck.
yes america does worse than suck, it is a duschebag, it caters to duschebag, and anyone who is not a duschebag in america is put on the street.

6:29 PM  
Blogger BigFrankie said...

Thank you friends for your mostly kind comments. I am still hating America, although I am now learned enough to know that I should hate the American administration, not my friends in America who voted against GWB. I am moving to Canada soon.

James Lunch

12:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:00 PM  

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